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How your hair & skin can react to the changing of season - Welcome to the Winter Blues

How your hair & skin can react to the changing of season - Welcome to the Winter Blues

I’m sure it’s no news to anyone that the changing seasons can wreak havoc on your skin and hair, between the summer sunburn and the winter flakeyness it can seem like you can’t catch a break!

We’re endlessly chasing that flawless instagram glow, with luscious locks and skin to mimic your favourite filter all year round. But do we need to be changing our beauty regime 4 times a year?

Let’s have a look at what you can expect coming into the cooler seasons, and what you can do to help fight your way back to summer!

Extremes in temperature are the enemy of good skin, so throwing our skin and hair from the cold outside to the warm cozy inside in winter can put your skin into a state of chaos. The generally drier humidity and constant artificial heating are also huge culprits of sucking the moisture (and life!) out of your otherwise healthy skin and hair.

This is particularly noticeable if you have skin that is prone to dryness, or hair that has been damaged by years of bleach and heat styling.


  • Dry, tight, flaky skin
  • Dull lifeless hair
  • Difficulty maintaining hair styles without frizz
  • Flaky, itchy scalp

The cure:

For your skin, opt for a lighter cleanser, foaming is your friend! You might also need to switch over to a more heavy duty moisturiser and a serum packed with hyaluronic acid to lock in all the goodness that’s being stripped away by the harsh conditions.

For your hair, things are a little more complex. Amp up the heat protection to ensure that you aren’t causing further damage to your hair, and invest in some good moisturising treatments. Apart from this, most of your work is going to be internal! Make sure you drink enough water and keep up your vitamin intake to ensure that your scalp and follicles are getting all the nutrients that they need.

Ultimately, your hair and skin thrive on consistency and equilibrium, so keeping up your routine and tweaking it to suit your current climate will always be key. No amount of work on your outside however, can compensate for a lack of essential nutrition and sufficient water intake, so be sure to keep your healthy habits and have your body working for you all year round.

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