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10 Foods That Increase Collagen Production

10 Foods That Increase Collagen Production

What is collagen and why does it matter?

Collagen is known for its anti-aging and beauty benefits within the supplement industry. While there are certain perks, it is also important to note that collagen is more than just a beauty supplement. Collagen is one of the richest protein in our bodies. It is the primary component of tissue in our skin, bones, muscles, cartilage, tendons, blood vessels and gut.

What foods increase the collagen production?

Kiwi – they are exceptionally high in vitamin C, a nutrient our body needs to execute the pre-collagen production phase.

Berries – like kiwi, berries are another great source of Vitamin C and they are sources of antioxidant that prevent free radical damage.

Almonds – These are full of Vitamin E. It serves to neutralize free radicals that are damaging to collagen cells.

Avocados – These contain a large amount of antioxidants.

Carrots – these are full of Vitamin A which helps repair and restore collagen in damaged skin.

Dark green veggies – these are some of the most nutrient-dense super foods which are sources of Vitamin A, C and E.

Garlic – This is rich in sulfur. Sulfur helps to prevent the breakdown of collagen and so it helps towards preserving healthy skin and joints.

Tomatoes – these are full of amino acids that protect our skin from sunlight. Tomatoes can help preserve youthful skin.

Citrus – Full of Vitamin C with a link to amino acids that are needed for collagen to form.

Eggs – chicken eggs contain collagen in the yolk. This can help with joint health due to their collagen content.

Sugar and refined carbs can damage collagen. To help your body to produce as much collagen as it can, you can’t go wrong with the above food.

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