Time to de-stress
We can all feel bogged down with everyday life, whether it’s boring life admin that’s just piling up, stress at work or a strain on your relationships, we’ve all been there. It’s important to remember to reach out to people for advice, support and most importantly communicate!
Here’s some advice that comes from years of over thinking, over stressing and generally not looking at the bigger picture…
1. Exercise
Run, swim, dance, walk, jump – whatever you fancy, just get those endorphins flowing. No matter how much you try to deny it, exercise ALWAYS makes you feel better. You know we’re right.
2. Take notes
At a single point in time when you feel yourself feeling particularly stressed or anxious. Take 5 minutes and write down how your feeling. Putting your emotions into words often helps to control them and the next day you’ll look back, rationalise it and remember what you did to get out of that rut.
3. Don’t bottle it up.
Talk to friends, family, strangers…whoever will listen because, trust us, they will listen. No doubt we have all felt that way in the past so pulling on other’s experiences is a great way to understand how you’re feeling and how you can feel better.
4. It’s ok!
Just have a bad day, be upset for no reason, cry unexpectedly, it’s ok! We know it’s hard not to compare yourself to your peers, especially with social and online media pumping out a snapshot of the perfect day but give yourself a break. Some days you just ain’t gonna feel it!